Sunday 13 September 2015

Our Wonderful Trip To The Botanical Gardens! Still more photos to come!

 Off to the Botanical Gardens we go for a Spring time visit to learn about how vegetables grow and where to find them in the garden!

In Potter's Garden Jenuli's group pumps the water from the water wheel!

Ellie does some weeding.

Sarah talks to us about planting seedlings and the tools we are going to use.

Susan, Betsy's Mum helps Benji and Zoey choose a place to plant.

What sort of egg have you found Kardia and Danya?

Sienna and Betsy sweep the paths.

Sienna, Billy and Amy are planting their bean seedlings

with Mr Franicevic's help!

Jaymee and Harrison are doing a great job of looking after their seedlings!

Let the digging begin!

Even a rabbit came out for a walk in the grass!

Mrs Lee and her group try the water pump out.

Ben's cactus, its very prickly unfortunately!

Sienna, Billy and Amy pretend to be chicks!

Sarah explained the food we eat comes from all parts of a plant. Can you guess where your vegetable and fruit came from? Have you eaten seeds, roots, or fruit?

We were lucky enough to pull up a baby carrot, wash it and eat it - deliciously sweet!

Trish helps Joey, Hollie, Antony and Oliver dig a hole for their sheep poo pellet and their seedling.

Ben and his Mum, Mrs Foster are hard at work planting beans too.

Wonderful sweeping Ceska, the garden is so tidy.


  1. What a wonderful day it was!

  2. Great photos room 20, what a fun and interesting day you all must have had! Wish I could have been their with you :)

  3. i love the photos, especially the carrots Hollie found. looks like lots of learning took place.

  4. I love the carrot you found Hollie. looks like lots of learning has taken place and you all had great fun.

  5. Lovely pictures, thanks mrs trembath
